The typical psychology study takes a very large group of people, manipulates something and then sees what happens. From this we have shown various interesting things. Recalling memories can make us feel happier, we assume attractive people are more trustworthy and a stressful relationship can be damaging to our health. But how do we use this information? One sensible suggestion would be to assume the findings probably apply to us as well. Generally all human brains and bodies share very similar chemistry and structure. But what do you do if you think you stand out from the crowd? Or can’t find a psychological study that is relevant to your interests. It’s quite obvious: study yourself.
This blog will hopefully reveal some fairly interesting psychology research and findings. It will also reveal how strange I am. As I conducted a psychological study on my own mood for 2 months. For the love of this blog, for 60 days, before going to bed at night I asked myself ‘how happy do you feel Eric?’ and made a rating on a scale. I then entered this into a database and also entered responses to a number of questions (for example ‘how many hours sleep did I get last night?’ ‘did I read a book today?’) before finally turning my computer off and starting to act normal again. I wanted to know what might make me happy and unhappy. So rather than searching through journals and papers I studied my weird self.
Obviously such a study has a number of weaknesses. Two pertinent ones are that 60 days isn’t a massively long time in the grand scheme of things, so making big conclusions would be difficult. More importantly, all results reported are correlational. This means that they only show that two things are related. Such a study cannot prove cause and effect. But, we can at least make suggestions about what the results mean by looking at studies with bigger groups of people and also by using some common sense and reasoning. So, to the results………
Excitingly a number of things appeared to influence my mood. Exercise being one of them. On days that I had exercised I tended to be in a significantly better mood than on days in which I skipped the gym. This is probably not surprising, for years we have been force fed the benefits of exercise for healthier hearts and thinner waistlines, but to also know that it may be making me feel a bit happier is also good news. And there is good reason to believe it may be beneficial. Steinberg et al (1997) found that after participants assigned to a weekly exercise programme experienced increased positive feelings and decreased negative feelings pre to post exercise session. The mood enhancing effects of exercise have also resulted in calls for it being prescribed as a treatment for depression. Longitudinal research by Paffenbarger et al suggests that regular exercise may be protective against depression. Looking at a population of American college males, analysis revealed that those that partook in regular exercise were far less likely to experience depression over a 25 year follow up period.
Another finding, although a little unexpected was that if I had been drinking the night before, my mood tended to be substantially lower the next day. Furthermore, analysis of my data showed that this couldn’t be explained through a lack of sleep, having been in a bad mood the previous day (hence, a possible decision to drink) or being less likely to exercise. The hangover seems like the most likely cause then. Yet, most of the time I wasn’t drinking enough to cause one. Research on alcohol and mood is quite mixed. Many studies have actually found alcohol to enhance mood over shorter periods of time or have no effect. Whilst others have found it increases the likelihood of experiencing depressed moods over longer periods.
Reading is often a great joy of mine. My data may even suggest that I should be partaking in this pleasure a lot more often. On days that I had read my mood was strongly elevated. This was confusing at first. However, as I tend to read shortly before bed, perhaps this finding makes a little more sense. I am 100% sure reading a book won’t be a new treatment for depression anytime soon, but as my reading exploits tended to be minutes before making my happiness rating, the positive feelings and enjoyment may still have been bouncing around inside.
A final and controversial issue; my ex-girlfriend. Was she any good? Or was she just a massive bitch? For those ‘interesting’ people that believe in ‘the one’, like listening to The Lighthouse Family and call their partners ‘babe’ I have some bad news. If you have just broken up with a girlfriend/boyfriend and are currently crying at your computer whilst listening to The Smiths, I have some slightly better news. She didn’t seem to do very much at all (isn’t this always the case?). Having seen her the previous day didn’t result in a more positive mood. Having seen her earlier on in the day or knowing that I would be seeing her later on also had no effect on how happy I felt whatsoever. And who said romance was dead?
As this blog was all about me there are few implications for you. For me, there are many:
a) Exercise is pretty good.
b) I should be much happier about being single.
c) I have a lot of spare time on my hands.
I was quite wrong in my original preconceptions over what would shape my mood. Amongst others, my amount of sleep, eating unhealthily and amount of music listened to had little or no influence on my happiness rating.