Our gut instincts serve us very well a lot of the time. Automatically deciding to remove a hand from a boiling hot pan, a momentary decision to run away very fast from a lion, the list goes on. But can we use them out of the jungle and away from danger? Can they be used to improve our choice of jam?
Jam; A highly controversial topic. Timothy Wilson and colleagues decided to use some to examine the relative merits of gut instinct reactions vs. careful thought and selection. The study was quite simple. The researchers provided participants with a number of jams and their task was to give the jams ratings so that they could be ranked. Little did participants know that the researchers had previously arranged for some ‘jam experts’ to rate the jams for their quality and taste.
Participants were split into two groups. One group was asked to analyse why they felt the way they did about the jams before making preference ratings (careful thought condition), whilst the other group of participants just made their preference ratings without engaging in consideration (automatic decision condition) of the jams pro’s and con’s. The big question is – who agreed with the experts more? The answer is the automatic decision condition. The activity of carefully thinking about the pros and cons and reasons why the jam was or wasn’t enjoyable greatly reduced participants ability to spot the good stuff from the bad. Other studies have found similar findings; thinking too much may even inhibit your ability to pick out art work for your home for example.
As you will have probably guessed it isn’t such a one sided affair. Gut reactions cannot always be trusted. Drunken texting is almost definitely testament to this. But alas, there is no research on this that I know of, so instead we will have a look at why we shouldn’t always trust gut reactions when pondering how an American football games will be and when worrying about missing a train. In two studies Morewedge et al. (2005) investigated how we can often rely upon gut reaction information when thinking about the future and how potentially undesirable consequences may stem from this. Previous research suggests that when thinking about the future we are reliant on our memories for similar events. However, when thinking about the past we often rely on stand out memories of experiences which aren’t always typical of the norm. This in turn can lead to making poor predictions about future experiences as you are basing it on a relatively small amount of biased information.
Thus, in one study researchers approached Harvard football fans outside their stadium shortly before a game. Some participants were asked to ‘describe a football game you’ve seen when Harvard won’ and others to ‘describe three games you’ve seen when Harvard won’ and then both groups were asked to predict how enjoyable they thought the game would be. The participants in the 2nd condition (reliant on several memories) made much more realistic predictions about how enjoyable the game would be in comparison to the participants in the 1st condition (reliant on one memory). Realistically every game isn’t going to be amazing and we sometimes forget this. When deciding whether or not to buy tickets for Saturday’s game we think back to a previous game, a really enjoyable one pops into our head (probably because it stands out more) and we are sold on the idea. We’ve based our behaviour on the first thing that springs to mind when we probably should have made more of an effort to consult our memories.
Similarly we can make this kind of error when thinking about bad things too. Missing a train is never fun but at the same time worst things have happened in life. Yet, as we are often reliant on stand out memories that spring to mind (that horrific time that a missed train resulted in you looking and smelling terrible for a job interview), we base our thoughts about the future on an extremely negative gut instinct. Thinking about other occasions in which we missed a train and the world didn’t come to an end makes things seem a lot more like they really will be; not that bad. In these instances a little more careful thought and consideration look like a really good idea.
Does this blog really clear up anything? I would suggest probably not. What we can be quietly confident about is: a) trust our gut instincts with jam and art and b) think a bit more when deciding whether or not to go to a football game or worry too much at the prospect of missing a train. What about careers, love or marmalade? The jury is still out, but perhaps a good rule of thumb is to use ones gut instincts with confidence but at the same time be ready to challenge them with introspection if they seem to be letting us down.
Avoid shopping for jam or art with a philosopher.
Expect a lot less from American football games and get ready to be pleasantly surprised by missing a train.
Gut instincts seem fine with jam, but what about when things get a little more serious? Be aware that there is a danger of over thinking and starting to add importance to factors that really aren’t that important, such as the number of x’s at the end a text message from a girl (or do they matter?).